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The multifunctional Clarijs Variobag is ideal for anyone who needs a spacious, waterproof backpack for traveling to work, school or another destination. The spacious main section with laptop compartment, inner pockets and reinforced back plate, closes with a practical and water-resistant roll closure, equipped with a magnetic FIDLOCK buckle. This portable bicycle bag can be attached to your bicycle on the left or right. With the implemented straps, the Clarijs Variobag can be worn comfortably as a backpack. The bag is completely recycled with the exception of the hooks and buckles! Clarijs recycles PVC and coated acrylic by using the waste and cut-outs from the Clarijs cargo bike tents that are produced for Urban Arrow, Babboe, Carqon, Johnny loco and Butchers & Bicycles. The Variobags in short: multifunctional 100% waterproof single bicycle bag and backpack, Quick-Lock System: can be adjusted without tools, You can easily remove the bag from the luggage carrier: when you pull the lever linked to the click system, the hooks separate from the luggage carrier tube, a lot of content in a single bicycle bag (24 liters!). External dimensions of this single bicycle bag: Width 31 cm, height 40 cm and depth 19 cm. The hooks fit on luggage carriers with a tube diameter of up to 22 mm.